5 Drivers of Human effort

I was lucky enough to attend a session with Professor Beverley Alimo-Metcalfe and wanted to share some of my notes.
5 Drivers of Human Effort

1. Meaning – work life must have purpose, managers need to help their employees understand the why in what they do.

2. Autonomy – Managers need to allow their employees the discretion to make decisions without having to gain their managers permission.

3. Mastery – competence builds confidence and research has shown that confident employees will be more ambitious in what they can achieve. This should be nurtured by effect reviews and support from their managers.

4. Appreciation – how often do managers geniuinely thank their employees for the effort they put in?

5. Social Support – managers need to build a culture where it is ok to say ‘I am not coping…I have messed up’ this needs to be followed up with support e.g. Talking through the stages of a task to identify where things went wrong so it becomes a learning experienced.
What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments below.

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